



Carbon Neutral Certification According to PAS 2060 in Bangladesh



Carbon Neutral Certification According to PAS 2060 in Bangladesh

As global efforts to mitigate climate change intensify, organizations are under increasing pressure to reduce their carbon footprint and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. Achieving carbon neutrality has become a vital goal for businesses worldwide, and in Bangladesh, it is no different. PAS 2060, the internationally recognized standard for carbon neutrality, provides a robust framework for organizations to achieve and verify their carbon-neutral status. In this blog, we will explore the significance of PAS 2060 certification for organizations in Bangladesh, the steps involved in becoming carbon neutral, and how B-ADVANCY Certification Limited can assist you on this journey.

What is PAS 2060?

PAS 2060, developed by the British Standards Institution (BSI), is the leading specification for carbon neutrality. It defines the requirements for achieving and demonstrating carbon neutrality in a transparent, consistent, and credible manner. The standard applies to organizations, products, and events, providing a clear pathway to measure, reduce, and offset carbon emissions, ultimately leading to carbon neutrality.

PAS 2060 ensures that carbon neutrality claims are based on verified emissions reductions and offsets, giving stakeholders confidence in an organization’s environmental credentials. By following PAS 2060, businesses in Bangladesh can demonstrate their leadership in sustainability and contribute to global efforts to tackle climate change.

Key Elements of PAS 2060 Certification

  1. Measuring Carbon Emissions
    The first step in achieving carbon neutrality according to PAS 2060 is measuring the organization’s carbon footprint. This involves calculating the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced by the organization’s operations, including energy consumption, transportation, and waste. The emissions must be calculated in accordance with recognized standards such as ISO 14064 or the GHG Protocol.

  2. Reducing Emissions
    Once the carbon footprint is measured, the organization must take steps to reduce its emissions. This could involve implementing energy efficiency measures, switching to renewable energy sources, optimizing supply chain operations, and promoting sustainable practices. The goal is to minimize the overall carbon emissions before considering carbon offsets.

  3. Offsetting Residual Emissions
    After reducing emissions as much as possible, organizations must offset the remaining carbon emissions by investing in certified carbon offset projects. These projects may include renewable energy initiatives, reforestation programs, or carbon capture technologies. The offsets must be credible and verified by recognized third-party organizations to ensure their legitimacy.

  4. Demonstrating and Communicating Carbon Neutrality
    Once emissions are measured, reduced, and offset, the organization can make a carbon-neutral claim. However, PAS 2060 requires organizations to communicate their carbon neutrality in a transparent manner by providing a public statement that details the methodology used, the emission reduction measures taken, and the offsets purchased. This ensures accountability and builds trust with stakeholders.

  5. Maintaining Carbon Neutral Status
    Carbon neutrality is an ongoing commitment. Organizations must continually monitor and reduce their emissions, offset any residual emissions, and annually verify their carbon-neutral status. This process ensures that carbon neutrality is maintained over time, in line with PAS 2060 requirements.

Benefits of PAS 2060 Certification in Bangladesh

  1. Enhanced Sustainability Credentials
    PAS 2060 certification allows organizations in Bangladesh to demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability. By achieving carbon neutrality, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors, enhance their reputation, and appeal to environmentally conscious customers and investors.

  2. Regulatory Compliance and Risk Mitigation
    As Bangladesh strengthens its environmental policies and regulations, organizations that achieve PAS 2060 certification are better prepared to comply with national and international sustainability standards. This reduces the risk of regulatory penalties and ensures alignment with global climate goals.

  3. Cost Savings and Operational Efficiency
    The process of reducing carbon emissions often leads to greater operational efficiency and cost savings. By implementing energy-efficient technologies, optimizing resource usage, and reducing waste, organizations can lower their operational costs while contributing to environmental sustainability.

  4. Attracting Investment and Business Opportunities
    Achieving PAS 2060 certification can open up new business opportunities, particularly in industries where sustainability is a key purchasing criterion. Many multinational corporations and investors prioritize working with companies that are committed to reducing their carbon footprint and achieving carbon neutrality.

  5. Contribution to Global Climate Goals
    By becoming carbon neutral, organizations in Bangladesh contribute to the global effort to combat climate change and reduce GHG emissions. This supports the country’s climate commitments under the Paris Agreement and enhances its reputation as a responsible global actor.

How B-ADVANCY Certification Limited Can Help

Achieving PAS 2060 certification can be a complex process, but B-ADVANCY Certification Limited is here to help organizations in Bangladesh navigate the journey to carbon neutrality. With expertise in carbon management and sustainability certifications, B-ADVANCY offers comprehensive services to guide organizations through every step of the PAS 2060 certification process.

Services Provided by B-ADVANCY Certification Limited:

  • Carbon Footprint Assessment: B-ADVANCY helps organizations calculate their carbon footprint in accordance with international standards, providing a clear picture of their emissions and identifying areas for improvement.

  • Emission Reduction Strategies: The team at B-ADVANCY works with organizations to develop and implement effective strategies for reducing carbon emissions, optimizing energy use, and minimizing environmental impact.

  • Carbon Offsetting Solutions: B-ADVANCY assists organizations in identifying and investing in high-quality, certified carbon offset projects to neutralize their residual emissions.

  • PAS 2060 Verification and Certification: As a trusted certification body, B-ADVANCY provides third-party verification services to ensure that organizations meet the stringent requirements of PAS 2060 and can confidently claim carbon neutrality.

  • Continuous Improvement and Maintenance: B-ADVANCY offers ongoing support to help organizations maintain their carbon-neutral status, ensuring compliance with PAS 2060 over time.

For organizations in Bangladesh looking to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and achieve carbon neutrality, B-ADVANCY Certification Limited offers expert guidance and support every step of the way.

Contact B-ADVANCY Certification Limited

To learn more about PAS 2060 certification or to begin your carbon-neutral journey, reach out to B-ADVANCY Certification Limited:

  • Email: bangladesh@b-advancy.com

  • Call: +8801612264559



In the fight against climate change, achieving carbon neutrality is a significant milestone for organizations. PAS 2060 certification provides a rigorous and transparent framework for businesses to measure, reduce, and offset their carbon emissions, demonstrating their leadership in sustainability. For organizations in Bangladesh, carbon neutrality not only enhances credibility and trust but also contributes to the country’s environmental goals and global climate commitments.

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